Samsung has launched the Galaxy S smart phone, named the third-generation Galaxy S III, in London, England, Thursday (03/05/2012). The Korean giant put the tagline "designed for humans" in the Galaxy S III. Samsung wants the new features in the Galaxy S III is easier to use. Not just a user-friendly, but human-friendly.
At least, there are six features of "man" who seeded the Samsung Galaxy S III.
How can the sixth feature of human needs?
1. S Voice
As if not to be outdone by the features of a personal assistant Siri, Samsung also makes a feature that detects adan questions via voice commands. By a vote, users can open and lock the phone, activate the camera feature, alarm, make a note on your calendar, play a song then, a large set of small-volume, and mediktekan short message.
2. Stay Smart
Front camera Galaxy S III is capable of tracking the eye of users. During your eyes still staring at the screen, may be read or watch, the screen Galaxy S III will not be dimmed or off.
3. Identification of faces in images and automatic tagging
Galaxy S III camera can recognize other people's faces. The camera will display the name and automatically tag that person. However, you have to do some sort of registration to that person by marking his face and put his name in the phone book for contact later on camera can recognize.
4. S Beam
S-Beam technology Near Field Communication (NFC) and Wi-Fi Direct, which allows users to transfer files quickly without a cable connection. Users simply hold the two devices, when the NFC's last working files will be transferred using Wi-Fi Direct. This technology can transfer files up to 1GB at speeds up to 300Mbps.
5. Direct Call
A feature which again using the sensor. If you receive or send a short message to someone, then decided to call her, then simply paste the Galaxy S III in your ear. The sensor can recognize the ear and directly dial a phone number from the brief message.
6. Cast AllShare
Cast AllShare help connect content on mobile devices with larger screens, such as tablets, computers, or televisions. Just a few taps on the screen, content that has appeared on the television screen. This technology requires a dongle that such equipment is connected on the television.
Read the review of Samsung Galaxy S III
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